The Forge

Go deep into the Word with men and women in challenging discussions and heart connections.

  1. Up-to-date communication will alert you to what’s happening in your area
  2. Pick the events and locations that work well for you
  3. Study and read materials sent by our “blacksmith” to prepare for the fire!
  4. Show up ready to engage deeply as conversations grow
Acts 2:42Proverbs 27:17James 1:5Philippians 2:1-18


Current groups

Hammer (Every other Tuesday)

Anvil ( Select Fridays)

Bridge of Life men are invited to attend our monthly men’s breakfast with food and fellowship! Meetings are at 7:30am in the BOL Kitchen every 3rd Saturday. We are currently going through the book “The Men We Need” by Brant Hansen.

No sign-up is needed for this event!

VBS is returning to Bridge of Life in 2024! Mark your calendars for July 29-August 2!

More details coming soon!

This month, we are collecting:

Money to ship the boxes

It costs about $9 to ship each box! Any donations would help offset this cost.

After sharing the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus said “Go and do likewise.” That is the mission of Samaritan’s Purse—to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel.

Each year, we collect items for our annual mission outreach to children through Samaritan Purse’s “Operation Christmas Child,” and pack them into boxes in November.

For information specific to our church’s collections and box packing, contact Cerey Bere or Tabby Schwartz. Visit Samaritan’s Purse’s website for more information about Operation Christmas Child.